LED Light Sequencer using 555


Tanınmış Üye
Another 555 IC project that will flash LEDs in such a way that light turns on in a sequence. You can use this as an indicator for turning left or right for vehicles and bikes.

light sequencer circuit

light sequence (LED1 to LED5)
Part List:
R1, R2 - 4.7 kilo ohms 1/4W
R3 - 3.9 kilo ohms 1/4W
R4, R10, R11, R12, R13 - 10 kilo ohms 1/4W
R5 -220 ohms 1/4W
R6 - 390 ohms 1/4W
R7, R8 - 500 ohms 1/4W
R9 - 560 ohms 1/4W
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 - 2N2222, 9013, or similar NPN transistor
LED1 to LED5 - red or any LED (see LED pinout in case you forget the pins)
C1, C3 - 220uF electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
C2 - 100nF
D1, D2 - 1N4001 or any similar diode
555 - LM555 or similar timer IC
DC -12V battery

Part List pinout:

2N2222, 9013 pinout

555 IC pinout
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